This is my nation, this is your nation, tis is our nation and we live here together.


I hate the time vortex that i'm sucked into!

  So, today's Wednesday. Another week gone bye like a snap of my fingers! I'm not to exited about allot of time going bye in an instant. Yeah, i'm happy about the week, but not weekends! I want to enjoy my weekend! I luuuuv Saturdays! my Saturdays are my only time to rest, well except when i'm sleeping. My Saturdays i sleep in until 11:00, then i eat breakfast in front of the TV, and and then at about 1:00 i eat lunch in front of the TV, and then at dinner we normally eat out. See why i luv Saturdays? Well, even if you can't, i do! Well, the week goes bye sometimes like it one second, and sometimes it lasts FOREVER! And i don't enjoy school that much. Except for when mom reads us books for school. I am home a schooled persona. Yup, and i'm lovin' it! Yeah, but i'm not Micky D's. You know, my little cousins used to call MC Donald's old MC Donald's farm?!?! I find that pretty funny. Since it is definitely NOT a farm. Now lets have a walk down memory lane.... Once on Christmas my sister Cassidy was singing "Jingle bells"and my daddy was filming me and her and he asked me to sing a song, but instead i said; "I want candy!" And that was pretty funny when i watched that tape over. And i think the Thanksgiving of that year i was running around in a circle screaming "Potatoes!" Around my sister, who (Just for the record) was wearing LEATHER pants!!! HAHAHAHA! And another memory; When i turned 3 my little cousin Felicia (Old MC Donald's farm) Was in the camera the whole time saying "Watcha got there Queena?" And no my name is not Queena! That's what everyone calls me! I hate that nick name as much as i hate Beana! The worst nick name ever!!! And my least worst nick name, but i still hate it is Corrins. My name is Corrina, but no one ever gets it right, so i get called a bunch of different names. When we were little my Grammy wanted to call me and Cass deferment names then what we actually were named. She wanted to call me Coryn, and Cassidy Cassie. I hate the name Coryn, and Cassidy hates the name Cassie. Good thing dad protested about that one, or else i'de have a name that's no my name! Good thing my Grammy didn't name us! So, hope you have no vortex's in your life!

Your not Coryn, or Queena, or, beana, or Corrins,

Purple nailZ, Corrina


  1. Okay, so this means you have HOW MANY blogs?

  2. I love purple <3
    My fave color!
